6 November 2013

Pitsa Mini

Be' dachi am neud os dachi'n cyrraedd adra yn llwgu ond does 'na ddim byd yn y ty? Ddaru hyn ddigwydd i fi heddiw felly ces i syniad ardderchog; gwneud rhywbeth iymi allan o'r ychydig o betha oedd gennyf, sef bara, caws, sos coch a tiwna. Oni isio rhwbath mwy na brechdan ond dim rhywbeth trwm iawn, felly roedd pitsa yn aidial!

What do you do if you come home hungry but there's nothing in the house? This happened to me today so I had an amazing idea; cook something out of the few things I had, which was bread, cheese, ketchup and tuna. I wanted something bigger than a sandwich but not something very heavy, so pizza was ideal!

Rhos dau ddarn o fara yn y tostar am ychydig o funudau jest iddo cal tostio ychydig ond dim llawer. Yna rhos sos coch (ond ma tomato puree yn well) ar y ddau ddarn a torri darnau o gaws i roi ar dop hwna. Yna rhos y bara yn y popty i'r caws cael toddi, ond cyn iddo doddi'n gyfan gwbl, rhos mymryn o diwna ar y top a'i roi i mewn eto iddo cael toddi'n iawn. Os oes well gennych chi ham neu thomato neu unrhyw beth arall buasech chi fel arfer yn eu rhoi ar bitsa, yn lle tiwna, gallech chi roi rheiny ar y bara hefyd.

I put two pieces of bread in the toaster for a few minutes just for it to toast a little but not a lot. Then I put the ketchup (but tomato puree is better) on both the pieces and cut pieces of cheese to put on top of that. Then I put the bread in the oven for the cheese to melt, but before it all melted, I put some tuna on the top and put it in again for it to melt properly. If you prefer ham or tomato or anything else you'd normally put on a pizza, instead of tuna, you can put them on the bread too.

Dyma'r canlyniad:

Here's the outcome:

Ac oedd o actually yn blasu ac yn ogleuo fel pitsa go iawn hefyd! Union run peth jest ddim mor fawr a heb y gost! Handi!

And it actually tasted and smelt like real pizza too! Exactly the same just not as big and without the expense! Handy!

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