27 November 2013

Ikea Heaven

Wicend diwethaf esi i aros i Warrington, jest tu allan i Lerpwl, ac oherwydd fod y siop mor agos i fy Travel Lodge i, roedd rhaid i mi fynd i Ikea! Mae'r lle yn nefoedd i mi; dwi wrth fy modd yn cerdded o gwmpas yn sbio neu'n mynd i mewn i'r holl stafelloedd prydferth mae'r gweithwyr yn y dillad melyn a glas wedi bod yn brysur yn eu creu. Y fflatiau bach yw fy ffefryn i; pob 'fflat' wedi ei wneud i greu'r lle lleiaf posibl ond dal digon o le i gael cegin, stafell fyw, ystafell ymolchi ac ystafell wely reit drws nesa i'w gilydd neu mewn dull open-planned. Dwi wir eisiau byw mewn un o'r fflatiau bach yno; jest fi ar ben fy hun! Buasa'n hyfryd! Felly, wrth i mi fynd o gwmpas yn meddwl pa bethau swn i'n hoffi yn fy fflat, dyma fi'n tynnu lluniau o'r pethau oedd yn dal fy llygaid. A dyma nhw:

Last weekend I went to stay to Warrington, just outside Liverpool, and because the shop was so close to my Travel Lodge, I had to go to Ikea! The place is heaven to me; I love walking around, peeping or going into all the pretty rooms which the workers in the blue and yellow clothes have been busy creating. The mini appartements ar my favourite; every 'appartement' has been built to create as little space as possible but there is still enough room for a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom right next to each other or in an open-planned format. I truly want to live in one of those little appartements; just by myself! It would be wonderful! So, as I went round wondering which things I would like in my fflat, I took photos of the things that caught my eye. And here they are:

Cloc handi i roi ar wal y gegin
A handy clock to put on the kitchen wall

Tegan cwningen ciwt i roi ar fy ngwely
A cute rabbit toy to put on my bed


Drych arbennig sy'n dangos POPETH yn glir
A special mirror that shows EVERYTHING clearly

Cadair sy'n troi i roi wrth fy nesg
A swivel chair to go behind my desk

Clustog ffasiynol
Fashionable cushion

Bocsys blodeuog neu gwellt i gadw stwff
Floral or straw boxes to keep stuff

Gwydrau ciwt
Cute glasses

Dillad gwely tebyg i Cath Kidston
Cath Kidston-like bed covers


Canfas Audrey Hepburn i roi ar y wal
Audrey Hepburn canvas to put on the wall
Blanced binc ofnadwy o flewog
Really fluffy pink blanket
A dyna chi! Rwan gobeithio eich bod chi yr un mor awyddus i fynd i Ikea a ydw i i fynd yn ol yno!
And there you are! Now I hope you are as keen to go to Ikea as I am to go back there!  

17 November 2013

Trip i Tesco

Dydd Gwener diwethaf es i Tesco am dro, felly roedd rhaid i mi sbio i weld pa ddillad oedd ar werth yn y siop, jest rhag ofn i mi weld rhyw eitem rhad. Y tric efo Tesco ydi i chwilio yn ofalus ym mhob man achos ma' 'na lawer o ddillad yna ond dydi pob dim ddim yn rhywbeth y buasa PAWB yn ei hoffi. Ond, mae'n rhaid i mi gyfadda, roeddwn i'n hoff iawn o'r dillad welais yna dydd Gwener, yn enwedig y siwmperi gwlanog a dau eitem ofnadwy o ddel a oedd ar sel.

Dydi hi ddim digon oer i mi wisgo fy nghot fawr Eskimo-ish eto felly mae siacedi mawr, bachgennaidd yn berffaith ar gyfer taflu ymlaen dros siwmper neu gardigan, a rydw i'n hoff o'r siaced yma oherwydd y patrwm tartan ffasiynol a'r llewys lledr sy'n gwneud y dilledyn yn unigryw. A dim ond £15 ydi o; bargen!

Tesco, £15
(anwybyddwch y gardigan a'r siwmper wlanog)

Ond am rhywbeth niwtral sy'n mynd gyda phopeth ond sydd ychydig drytach, am £34.99, mae'r siaced lwyd yma o H&M yn berffaith.


Mi ddaru'r got shearling a lledr brown yma ddal fy llygaid oherwydd y gwlan melyn cynnes y tu mewn i'r got, ac oherwydd fod cotiau shearling wedi ymddangos ar llawer o gatwalks yn ddiweddar, yn cynnwys Topshop Unique a'r dylunydd Belstaff. Ac am £25 mae'n ofnadwy o rhesymol am got mor ffasiynol sy'n gallu cymryd lle eich siaced lledr ar ddiwrnodau oer.

Tesco, £25
(anwybyddwch y pyjamas)

Cot arall gyda gwlan shearling y tu mewn iddo yw'r siaced ddenim yma o Topshop am £58 mewn glas golau neu thywyll. Mae siaced denim yn boblogaidd iawn y mis yma ond hon yw fy ffefryn oherwydd ei bod digon mawr a chynnes i gael ei defnyddio yn lle cot.


6 November 2013

Pitsa Mini

Be' dachi am neud os dachi'n cyrraedd adra yn llwgu ond does 'na ddim byd yn y ty? Ddaru hyn ddigwydd i fi heddiw felly ces i syniad ardderchog; gwneud rhywbeth iymi allan o'r ychydig o betha oedd gennyf, sef bara, caws, sos coch a tiwna. Oni isio rhwbath mwy na brechdan ond dim rhywbeth trwm iawn, felly roedd pitsa yn aidial!

What do you do if you come home hungry but there's nothing in the house? This happened to me today so I had an amazing idea; cook something out of the few things I had, which was bread, cheese, ketchup and tuna. I wanted something bigger than a sandwich but not something very heavy, so pizza was ideal!

Rhos dau ddarn o fara yn y tostar am ychydig o funudau jest iddo cal tostio ychydig ond dim llawer. Yna rhos sos coch (ond ma tomato puree yn well) ar y ddau ddarn a torri darnau o gaws i roi ar dop hwna. Yna rhos y bara yn y popty i'r caws cael toddi, ond cyn iddo doddi'n gyfan gwbl, rhos mymryn o diwna ar y top a'i roi i mewn eto iddo cael toddi'n iawn. Os oes well gennych chi ham neu thomato neu unrhyw beth arall buasech chi fel arfer yn eu rhoi ar bitsa, yn lle tiwna, gallech chi roi rheiny ar y bara hefyd.

I put two pieces of bread in the toaster for a few minutes just for it to toast a little but not a lot. Then I put the ketchup (but tomato puree is better) on both the pieces and cut pieces of cheese to put on top of that. Then I put the bread in the oven for the cheese to melt, but before it all melted, I put some tuna on the top and put it in again for it to melt properly. If you prefer ham or tomato or anything else you'd normally put on a pizza, instead of tuna, you can put them on the bread too.

Dyma'r canlyniad:

Here's the outcome:

Ac oedd o actually yn blasu ac yn ogleuo fel pitsa go iawn hefyd! Union run peth jest ddim mor fawr a heb y gost! Handi!

And it actually tasted and smelt like real pizza too! Exactly the same just not as big and without the expense! Handy!

5 November 2013

Vive la France

I was lucky enough to spend my half term in France, and as I stayed with a lovely French family in a beautiful French house, I had the opportunity to try many new things and act like a little French girl for a week!

These are a few things I noticed whilst I was there:

1.  Nearly all of the houses have colourful shutters on the windows and a boite aux lettres (letter box) by their gates with their names on them (surname first, first name second, e.g, GUILBERT Elsa.)


2.  They have an aperitif, which is a drink and some nibbles, before a meal. Then they have a starter, a main meal, cheese, and a pudding. They eat all this slowly whilst talking and enjoying their food.

3.   Parents often call their daughter ma choupinette; chou means cute and pinette is slang for petite, which means small. I know understand the name of Karl Lagerfeld's cat: Choupette. Pette can also be slang for petite or could be a play on the Englsih word 'pet'.

4.  Every French family has a plat au fromage in their fridge which they take out at meal times. They eat the cheeses with bread.

5.  They absolutely LOVE bread and you'll always see them at every meal, breakfast, lunch and supper, with a baguette.

6.  The sweets people give out at Halloween are the nicest sweets I've ever had and come in all kinds of fruity, cola, caramel and nougat flavours.

7.  French children and young people can't necessarily speak English, but they can sing and follow English songs. The ones that were popular when I was there were:

~ Gangnam Style, by PSY
~ Wake Me Up, by Avicii
~ Burn, by Ellie Goulding
~ Let Her Go, by Passenger
~ Roar, by Katy Perry

8.   French women are obsessed with Zara's clean cut clothes, especially the beige trench coat. So very tres chic et elegante.

9.  They don't like cheese and onion crisps. (Well the girls I met didn't anway!)

10.  The crisps they do like are the best crisp invention ever.

11.   Every day at precisely 4pm the children have a goute; a drink and something sweet to eat like a cake, a biscuit or a nutella baguette.

12.   There are really good French songs in the French charts as well as well-known English ones, and here is one of my favourites. A song called Papoutai by Stromae:

Et voila, douze trucs que vous connaissez maintenant de France!
(And there you go, twelve things you now know about France!)

4 November 2013

Gwyl Fwyd Llangollen

Ar Hydref 20fed esi i Wyl Fwyd Llangollen yn Llangollen (wrth gwrs!) lle profais amryw o fwydydd blasus gwahanol. Es i o amgylch yr holl stondinau yn trio darnau o doffi, fudge, siocledi gwahanol, cacennau sbwnj a hyd yn oed cwrw Mws Piws, ond yn anffodus do'n i ddim yn hoff iawn o hwnnw! Well gen i seidar! Ond allan o'r holl stondinau ddaru ddau sefyll allan i mi: stondin bisgedi shortbread wedi eu gwneud yn Aberffraw, Ynys Mon a stondin cacennau bach o'r enw'r Little Round Cakes. Prynais paced o'r shortbreads blasus ac un o'r cacennau crwn, tal. Roedd yna lawer o flasau i ddewis ohonynt ond dewisiais i yr un sticky toffee: sbwnj blas toffi gyda cream melys a saws toffi yn y canol, cream ar y top a darnau bach o siocled Daim ar dop hwnnw. Lyfli jybli!

Dyma fy nghacen fendigedig:

 Cewch hyd i fwy fel hyn ar www.thelittleroundcakecompany.co.uk.
Dyma'r shortbreads sydd ar y wefan www.aberffrawbiscuits.com (ches i ddim cyfle i dynnu llun fy misgedi i oherwydd roedden nhw rhy flasus, roedd rhaid i mi eu bwyta!):